August 18, 2024
VDH7 Photos
Photos from VDH7 have been posted on the VEYM Facebook! Check them out and relive the memories!
Day 1 [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.818515730386935&type=3]
Day 2 [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.819201513651690&type=3]
Day 3 [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.819232540315254&type=3]
Day 4 [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.819409820297526&type=3]
Or see all the photos here: VDH7 Photos All [https://photos.app.goo.gl/yoopsWM5ZEMLxwXg9]
August 11, 2024
Cultural Night Challenges
The Cultural Night challenges can be found in the Scavenger Hunt [https://vdh7.veym.net/sh/tasks?task_date=culture_night]. You can access it in your Dashboard [https://vdh7.veym.net/dashboard].
If you cannot log in, you can find them here:
* Take a picture of you trying out the Vietnamese Street Food Challenge
* Take a picture of you playing two differents Vietnamese Cultural games
* Take a picture of you sharing food with a friend
* Take a picture of you with a lantern
* Take a group photo with three new friends you meet at Culture Night
* Take a group photo with five people wearing the same color traditional Vietnamese costumes as you
August 06, 2024
T-3 Days! Announcements
Hello family, friends and guests of the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement (VEYM):
Can you believe it? We are T - 3 days away from our historic Coming to the Promised Land 7th National Convention (VDH7) in High Springs, Florida (Aug. 9th -12th) at camp Kulaqua.
As you can imagine, there are many moving pieces and additional information can be found on https://vdh7.veym.net/ [https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvdh7.veym.net%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cdenny.nguyen%40veym.net%7Ce153c66e65704b2fc90b08dcb66a37e4%7Cb5c47154d563428d9f1b3216e2435d14%7C0%7C0%7C638585814609350134%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=RDcX3Y%2F4aRb6oNeL5b6wnrifWOrHYtpu61drAnJNth4%3D&reserved=0], to include details of the most recent town hall.
Below are few key announcements for your awareness as you prepare your upcoming journey to #VDH7:
1. Correct VEYM uniform is mandatory (Liên Đoàn banner on uniform shirts, chapter logo to be reflect Liên Đoàn’s name vs. Miền (no longer in effect), shirts to reflect “Movement” not “Society”, navy blue skirts at knee length, white or black sneakers/tennis shoes, and navy blue pants. Chapters with updated logo to reflect Liên Đoàn’s name, please send to support@veym.net [support@veym.net] to be updated in our portal.
2. Checklist for VDH7:
-Uniforms (pants/skirts/shoes) for the duration. Please see #1 above.
-Appropriate comfortable clothing to wear (shorts are at knee-length, nothing provocative – labeling on clothing must be appropriate for all ages; if bringing water sports clothing, please bring 1-piece swimwear). Given our church and family environment, the Organizing Committee will strictly enforce this.
-Traditional Vietnamese wear for cultural night as available (áo dài, áo truyền thống, etc…).
-Personal hygiene / medications (if controlled substance, must come with a prescription) / hand sanitizer / insect repellent / sunblock
-Hat and sunglasses
-Linen/small blanket/pillow as needed
-Small umbrella/raincoat
-SWAGs to exchange with others (all participants will receive a VDH7 bag, booklet, fan, rosary, and water bottle)
-Absolutely – Zero Tolerance; alcohol, drugs, and weapons (security will be managed onsite by hired local Police Department with arrestable rights)
3. Those who reserved bus transportation from the airport (MCO or JAX) to camp Kulaqua, please go to American Airline Baggage Claim upon arrival. Two of our VEYM members will be standing there to check your name from the bus-request roster. Please arrive with your VEYM scarves for ease of identification. Once your name is identified, you'll load your belongings and will board the bus. Please note, only those on the list will be admitted on the bus as the seats have been allocated for those who have requested bus accommodations. Once all 56 seats on each bus are filled, the bus will depart to camp Kulaqua. Please see bus schedule as announced below:
Airport Pick Up:
MCO 11AM – VEYM BUS #1-2
MCO 12PM – VEYM BUS #3-5
As you're riding the bus to Kulaqua, please share a couple photos of your bus and tag us at #vdh7.
4. Family of a deceased VEYM member, you're invited to bring a small picture with frame (4x6) of the deceased VEYM member (preferably in VEYM uniform). Please have the deceased VEYM member's name and baptismal saint on it. VDH7 will have a memorial table in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to pray for our departed VEYM members.
5. Those with young children, please note that you as parents/legal guardians are responsible for your children at all times. Including managing their allergies. There are limited children activities on site and you're invited to make good use of the services.
6. Attendees with cameras (not smartphones) are needed to help capture the moments throughout VDH7. If available and can assist at VDH7, please email vdh@veym.net [vdh@veym.net] asap to join the Photography Committee. Thank you!
7. All are invited to join us in the following:
-Learn the VDH7 convention song and dance moves. Posted on our social media accounts.
-Pray the daily Novena
-Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
-Bring your Eucharistic attitude / be friendly / be adaptive / be forgiving / LOVE
-Please click “like” and “follow” @veym.usa.tntt (official VEYM Facebook and Instagram page) and the VDH7 page “VEYM Coming to the Promised Land 7 Convention - VDH7 - Aug. 9-12, 2024”. Lots of important news and updates in real time are posted here.
8. When you arrive, Security will direct you where to go and park. The Welcoming Committee will receive you and celebrate your arrival. The Registration Committee will register you and present you with your keys ($50 fine per lost keys - please don't lose your key) and room assignment. Please note, our lodging accommodations are very similar to our cabin/training camp accommodations with multiple people to a room. Please follow the directions of Ban Tổ Chức according. Appreciate everyone's support and flexibility during the check-in process.
9. Those driving there on personal vehicles, registration starts at around 02:00PM.
The address to Camp Kulaqua is:
23400 NW 212th Ave, High Springs, FL 32643
Phone: (386) 454-1351
Due to the recent hurricane there, there is a small chance the road into the camp may be slightly flooded. If and only if this is the case, Camp Kulaqua staff may redirect us to an alternate entrance. If and only if this is the case, a couple of our cabins may relocate to a nearby hotel. We'll keep you regularly posted if we're impacted and thank you in advance for your understanding.
10. Lastly, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, we give thanks to God for the many blessings received in the last 40 years AND for YOU. Because of YOU, we're where we are today and we look forward to welcoming you to #VDH7.
United in the Eucharist!
VDH7 Organizing Committee
vdh@veym.net [vdh@veym.net]
July 29, 2024
VDH7 Theme Song
Let's join in spirit, learn, and dance along to our theme song!
Nào anh em hãy tiến bước cùng nhau ta lên đường.
Cùng hân hoan ta cất tiếng ngợi ca dâng Thiên Chúa.
Một tâm tư chung ước muốn: "Đắp xây ngôi nhà Cha,
làm chứng cho Con Một Cha đã vì yêu hy sinh khổ giá."
Vì anh em ta mãi mãi là con Cha trên trời.
Và Giê-su, Anh Cả ta, hằng theo gương tiếp bước.
Nguyện hy sinh, luôn phó thác, sống trung kiên niềm tin:
"We, though many, are one body in Jesus Christ."
Về Đất Hứa, chúng ta không ngại ngần.
Về Đất Hứa, bốn mươi năm Hồng Ân.
Vì có Chúa, có nhau trong nguyện cầu,
sớt chia bao muộn sầu, sống trong Thánh Thể nhiệm mầu.
🎵 Sheet Music [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/ce584715-4314-4030-a3f1-ed9c8fc28819]
July 25, 2024
Final Townhall
View the recording here:
🎉 Get Ready for the Final Townhall! 🎉
Join us for the Final Townhall of Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa VII! This is your last chance to ask questions and win prizes, and also participate in the Novena for VĐH7.
🗓 Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 🕘 Time: 09:00 PM EDT 📍
Join HERE: https://url.veym.net/vdh7finaltownhall [https://url.veym.net/vdh7finaltownhall]
Don't miss out on this exciting event! See you there!
452857206 806242424947599 4601963090100821327 N [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/c5d82988-dd1b-453f-a218-3186a9f14380?width=1080&height=1080]
July 13, 2024
Welcome to VDH7! Important Announcements
With joy, we give thanks to God for VEYM’s 40 years of infinite blessings.
From all of us in the Organizing Committee for the Coming to the Promised Land 7th National Convention (VDH7), we’re excited to welcome you to our historic celebration in High Springs, Florida next month (Aug. 9th -12th) at camp Kulaqua.
VDH7 is thrilled to have present with us at this event: 3 bishops; approximately 50 priests; 40+ deacons, religious brothers and sisters; and over 1000 youth leaders of all ages from across the country representing approximately 120/130 chapters in our Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement. Not to mention our brothers and sisters from motherland Vietnam, Canada, France, and the Vatican.
VDH7 is also blessed to have with us Most Reverend Broglio, the President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop for the Archdiocese of the Military Service; Most Reverend John Nhan Tran, VEYM Episcopal Advisor and Auxiliary Bishop to the Archdiocese of Atlanta; Most Reverend Michael Cuong Pham, Auxiliary Bishop to the Diocese of San Diego; powerful keynote and breakout session speakers, to include a virtual appearance of Mrs. Antonia Acutis, the mother of soon to be first millennial saint, Carlo Acutis; and numerous important guests from various church ministries.
With the solemn liturgy to praise and worship God, and a ton of fun and exciting activities to build long lasting relationship with new and old friends as we celebrate our big 40th anniversary, VDH7 will be an experience of a lifetime.
To best prepare for our upcoming gathering, please review the few important announcements below. Additionally, more announcements to come in the coming weeks as we update you with new VDH7 information, especially bus transportation pick up, room assignment, etc…
In the interim, please visit our website for all VDH7 related information: https://vdh7.veym.net/ [https://vdh7.veym.net/]
* Priests, religious, speakers, vocation directors and booth requestors, and VIPS will receive a separate notification email with additional details.
* If you missed our recent townhall, you can review it here for updated information on a variety of important details (i.e., final agenda; uniform code; talent show; swags; code of conduct, dos and don’ts; VDH7 Facebook page; online store ordering and discount; sport competitions; and what to bring to VDH7). To view townhall #3, please click here [https://vdh7.veym.net/updates/townhall-meeting-3].
* Please click “like” and “follow” @veym.usa.tntt (official VEYM Facebook and Instagram page) and the VDH7 page “VEYM Coming to the Promised Land 7 Convention - VDH7 - Aug. 9-12, 2024”. Lots of important news and updates in real time are posted here.
* Correct VEYM uniform is mandatory (Liên Đoàn banner on uniform shirts, chapter logo to be reflect Liên Đoàn’s name vs. Miền (no longer in effect), shirts to reflect “Movement” not “Society”, navy blue skirts at knee length, white or black sneakers/tennis shoes, and navy blue pants. Chapters with updated logo to reflect Liên Đoàn’s name, please send to support@veym.net [support@veym.net] to be updated in our portal.
* If you need to update your bus transportation request (either to add new request or cancel existing request), please do so by July 15th deadline.
* If you need to correct the spelling of your name with accent marks, or correct your rank, please log into the Members Portal (https://members.veym.net/profile [https://members.veym.net/profile]) and edit your profile before the 15th deadline.
* If you have roommate preference, please log into your dashboard (where you log in to register) and update the info by the 15th deadline. No guarantee you’ll be assigned with the requested roommate, however, the Organizing Committee will make every effort to accommodate your request.
* If you’re interested in representing your League of Chapters to compete in any of the below sports, please reach out to your League of Chapters Executive Committee (Ban Chấp Hành): Volleyball; Pickle Ball; Soccer; 2-mile race; 4x100 meters relay race; Ultimate Frisbee; and Badminton. League of Chapters Executive Committee will need to ID a team for submission by July 21st deadline.
* The Organizing Committee will provide each attendee with a bag, water bottle, and a fan. You’re invited to bring VEYM swags to trade and share with others.
* In the coming days, the Organizing Committee will release the official VDH7 theme song with choreographed dance move video, kindly rehearse and prepare it prior to arrival.
* Talent show – Registration
* Record a video introducing yourself and performing your act, send your video to Tr. Nina Tran at anh.tran@veym.net [anh.tran@veym.net] for auditions.
* Categories: Singing, dancing, stand up comedy, play an instrument, live painting, magic, poetry.
* Individual and group performances are welcome.
* 5 minutes max for each performance/act
* The judges will pick out the top 15 performance(s)/act(s) to go to the Live Show Concert (Sunday night 8-11-2024) at VDH 7.
* Deadline to register: 11:59 PM PST July 31, 2024
* Many prizes to win! Register today!
* Medical Doctors, Physician Assistants, Nurses, and Paramedics volunteer opportunities. Please email Dr. Thanh Tam Nguyen at tt.nguyen@veym.net [tt.nguyen@veym.net].
* Discounted ordering available (chasuble, stola, whistle, lanyard, and pin) minus shipping costs to be picked up at VDH7.
* Uniforms for the duration (Pants/Skirts/Shoes)
* Appropriate comfortable clothing to wear (shorts are at knee-length, nothing provocative – labeling on clothing must be appropriate for all ages; if bringing water sports clothing, please bring 1 piece swim wear)
* Traditional Vietnamese wear for cultural night (áo dài, áo truyền thống, etc…)
* Personal hygiene / medications / hand sanitizer / insect repellent / sun block
* Hat
* Sunglasses
* Linen/small blanket/pillow as needed
* Eucharistic attitude
* Absolutely – Zero Tolerance; alcohol, drugs, and weapons
* Security will be managed onsite by hired local Police Department
* As VDH7 is a convention for Huynh Trưởng, there are limited activities available for children. All children MUST be under the supervision of their parents at all times. Parents are responsible for the safety, well-being, and whereabouts of their children 24/7 during the duration of VDH7.
* There will be organized activities for children to participate in while under the supervision of their parents at VDH7. The schedule will be available on site. Activities include nature walks, water sports, movies, soccer, and volleyball.
* Additionally, those who may be interested in taking their kids Horse Back Riding, to the Water Park, or Go Carts, please register for the respective activity and dates through Tr. Dương Diễm Lệ.
* HORSE BACK RIDING; Friday, 8/9 @ 9-10AM; $36.25/person
* WATER PARK; Saturday, 8/10 @ 3-6PM; $25.75/person
* GO CARTS; Sunday, 8/11 @ 4-6PM; $9.75/person
* CONTACT: Tr. Duong Diem Le; (858) 900-4246; duongdiemle@gmail.com [duongdiemle@gmail.com]
* PayPal, Venmo or Zelle to 858.900.4246
Final VDH7 Townhall and Novena prayer kick-off is set for July 31st – Save the Date!
We appreciate your patience and leadership and shaping this unique event as it is entirely planned, organized, and executed by volunteers such as yourself. We give thanks to God for your service, support, and leadership as we come together for this momentous milestone.
More to come and united in prayers.
VDH7 Organizing Committee
vdh@veym.net [vdh@veym.net]
July 02, 2024
Final Registration Open
Thanks be to God!! We were able to admit all on the waitlist who wanted to join. We have a few dozen slots left for those who want to join. Please register ASAP. These slots will fly away in a matter of days. Deadline is fast approaching.
🔓 Open Slots Available!
💲 Fees:
* VEYM Members: $325
* VEYM Guests: $375
📅 Final Deadline: July 9th, 2024
🚌 Registration & Shuttle Sign-Up:
Scan the QR code or visit https://vdh7.veym.net [https://vdh7.veym.net/]
Hurry up and secure your spot now! Let's make this event unforgettable!
Final Registration [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/ccb6af2a-d07d-4fdb-91f1-cc549e306c98?width=1080&height=1080]
July 02, 2024
Townhall Meeting #3
If you missed it, view the recording here!
Join us for the Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa VII Townhall Meeting #3!
📅 Date: Sunday, July 7, 2024
🕗 Time: 08:00 PM EDT
We have an exciting agenda lined up for you:
* Sports!! Competitions!! Prizes!!
* Plenary Indulgence
* Final Schedule of Events / Speakers / Guests
* Bus Transportation
* Talent Show & Performances
* Code of Conduct / Safety / Dress Code
* Convention Wide Communication
* Volunteers Needed
* Swags, Swags, and More Swags
Don't miss out on all the important information and fun updates!
🔗 Join us at: https://url.veym.net/vdh7townhall3 [https://url.veym.net/vdh7townhall3]
See you there!
Townhall3 [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/10d1d296-259d-4e30-a819-ceb73d07aae1?width=1080&height=1080]
June 10, 2024
Register for the Talent Show
It's time to shine like a ⭐️‼️
Calling all VDH 7 attendees to register for Talent Show contest!
👉 Record a video introducing yourself and performing your act, send your video to Tr. Nina Tran at anh.tran@veym.net for auditions.
👉 Categories: Singing, dancing, stand up comedy, play an instrument, live painting, magic, poetry.
👉 Individual and group performances are welcome.
👉 5 minutes max for each performance/ act
👉 The judges will pick out the top 15 performance(s)/ act(s) to go to the Live Show Concert (Sunday night 8-11-2024) at VDH 7.
👉 Deadline to register: 11:59 PM PST July 7, 2024
Many prizes to win! Register today!
May 21, 2024
Exciting Lineup of Speakers
Get ready for an inspiring experience at Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7! We're thrilled to announce a powerful lineup of speakers who will be sharing their wisdom, faith, and experiences with us.
Keynote Speakers:
* Joel Stepanek: Vice President of Parish Services for Life Teen International, Chief Mission Officer for the National Eucharist Congress, and Catholic Author. Joel brings a wealth of knowledge and a passionate heart for youth ministry.
* Peter Lê “Graceman”: Living Miracle, Executive Director of St. Joseph Primary Care, and Catholic Author. His incredible life story and dedication to serving others will surely inspire us all.
Virtual Keynote Speaker:
* Antonia Acutis: Mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Antonia will share her personal journey and the profound impact of her son’s legacy on the world.
Breakout Speakers:
* Frère Fortunat Trần Trọng An Phong: His deep spiritual insights and engaging talks are not to be missed.
* Fr. Giuse Martinô Trần Thịnh: Known for his dynamic presence and relatable teachings, Fr. Giuse will bring a refreshing perspective to our convention.
* Fr. Giuse Phạm Vinh, LC: With a heart for the youth and a commitment to evangelization, Fr. Giuse’s sessions will be both enlightening and motivating.
* Sr. Elife Del Rosario, FMA: Her joyful spirit and dedication to youth ministry will bring energy and inspiration to her breakout sessions.
Join us for an unforgettable event filled with faith, fellowship, and inspiration. Let's come together to grow in our spiritual journey and to be empowered to live out our faith boldly. See you at Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7!
442505345 768775872027588 6332638192305251571 N [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/1f15571b-af25-429a-aa40-b59a4a935cd8?width=1080&height=1080]
May 21, 2024
Distinguished Guests at Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7
We are honored to welcome an esteemed group of guests to Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7. This year’s convention will feature an incredible array of leaders from the Catholic community who will share their insights and experiences with us.
* Fr. Châu Nguyễn: President, Federation of Vietnamese Catholics in the USA. Fr. Châu brings a wealth of experience and dedication to serving the Vietnamese Catholic community.
* Fr. Cristobal Torres, SJ: International Vice-Director of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, Vatican. His global perspective on prayer and mission will be a true highlight.
* Most Reverend John Nhàn Trần: Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Atlanta; VEYM Episcopal Advisor. Bishop Nhàn’s guidance and support for VEYM have been invaluable.
* Most Reverend Timothy Broglio, J.C.D.: President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB); Archbishop for the Archdiocese of the Military Services. His leadership and vision will be a great inspiration to all attendees.
* Most Reverend Michael Cường Phạm: Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of San Diego. Bishop Cường’s dynamic presence and dedication to ministry will enrich our convention experience.
* Ms. Merilyn Santos: Associate Director, Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Her expertise in catechesis and evangelization will provide valuable insights.
* Sr. Thu Đỗ, LHC, PhD: Associate Researcher, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University. Sr. Thu Đỗ’s academic and pastoral experience will bring a unique perspective.
We also extend a warm welcome to our former chaplains and presidents, whose leadership has paved the way for the success of VEYM. Their continued support and presence are a testament to the enduring strength of our community.
We are excited to host delegations from Vietnam, Canada, Japan, Australia, and France. The international presence underscores the global unity and shared mission of VEYM.
Join us at Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7 for an unforgettable gathering of faith, fellowship, and inspiration. Together, we will grow stronger in our faith and commitment to serving God and our communities.
444137470 769853975253111 3104287542607206624 N [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/92497ebc-39d7-46af-a0e8-bc0f0aedb44f?width=1080&height=1080]
May 10, 2024
Townhall Meeting 2
If you missed it, view the recording here!
Get ready to embark on the spiritual journey of VDH7! Our next Townhall Meeting will cover essential details to ensure you have a smooth and fulfilling convention experience. Here's a glimpse of what's on the agenda:
* VDH7 Spiritual Journey & Spiritual Bouquet: Learn about the spiritual journey we'll undertake together and how the spiritual bouquet plays a role.
* Bus Information & Update: Stay updated on transportation details and bus arrangements.
* Pre-Convention Competitions: Get the scoop on competitions happening before the convention.
* Convention-Wide Communication: Discover how we'll keep everyone connected during the event.
* Schedule at a Glance: Preview the key activities and highlights on the agenda.
* Volunteering Opportunities: Find ways to get involved and contribute to the success of VDH7.
* Miscellaneous Q&A: We'll address your burning questions and ensure you're well-prepared.
🗓️ Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
🕘 Time: 09:00 PM EDT
🔗 Join Us: https://url.veym.net/VDH7TownHall2 [https://url.veym.net/VDH7TownHall2]
441288392 761928446045664 4551370248899382492 N [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/d7720809-1230-4393-a1ea-7ed894236f28?width=1080&height=1080]
April 17, 2024
Meet the Organizing Committee
BTC Flyer [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/31ae497f-9090-4581-8179-d997aa66d96b?width=2304&height=1728]
* Bishop Larry Silva, USCCB Subcomittee Chaiman, Asian American Pacific Islander Affairs
* Bishop Toma Nguyễn Thái Thành, Auxiliary Bishop, Diocese of Orange
* Bishop Gioan Trần Nhàn, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Atlanta
* Rev. FX Trần Quốc Tuấn
* Rev. FX Nguyễn Thanh Bình, SVD
* Tr. Giuse Nguyễn Đình Mạnh Trường
* Tr. Giuse Đào Văn Đức
* Tr. Giuse Cao Đức Thanh
Tuyên Uý Đại Hội / Convention Chaplain
Rev. Giuse Ngô Đình Thông, CSsR - thong.ngo@veym.net
Trưởng Ban Tổ Chức / Organizing Committee Chairman
Tr. Đaminh Hoàng Công Thái Dương – duong.hoang@veym.net
Phó Ban Tổ Chức / Organizing Committee Vice-Chairwoman
Tr. Teresa Ngô Ngọc Hiếu – hieu.ngo@veym.net
Thư Ký Đại Hội / Convention Secretary
Tr. Maria Phùng Nhi – nhi.phung1@veym.net
Fr. Gioan Kim Khẩu Phạm Hoàng Trung, SJ - Phó Tổng Tuyên Úy; trung.pham@veym.net
Tr. Đaminh Đào Đức Khánh – PCTNH; khanh.d.dao@veym.net
Tr. Teresa Avila Nguyễn Anh Thư - Tổng Thư Ký; anhthu.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. FX Vũ Cao Lập – Tổng Thủ Quỷ; lap.vu@veym.net
Tr. Antôn Nguyễn Ngọc Linh – Trưởng Ban Nghiên Huấn Trung Ương; linh.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Maria Goretti Hồ Tân Uyên – Phó Ban Nghiên Huấn Trung Ương; tanuyenho@veym.net
Tr. Lucia Nguyễn Thị Biên – Trưởng Ban Tài Chánh; bien.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Maria Vô Nhiễm Lê Ngọc Khánh - Phó Ban Tài Chánh; ngockhanh.le@veym.net
Tr. Agnes Vũ Hà Chi – Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Biển Đức; chi.h.vu@veym.net
Tr. Teresa Nguyễn Hồng Nhung - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Đaminh Savio; nhung.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Maria Nguyễn Như Thùy Vân - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Gioan Phaolo II; van.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Maria Lê Thị Phước – Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Phaolô Hạnh; Phuoc.le@veym.net
Tr. Giuse Nghi Trần Lê Trung Quân - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Joan of Arc; quan.tran@veym.net
Tr. Margarita Đỗ Nhã My – Liên Đoàn Trưởng Elect Liên Đoàn Joan of Arc; nhamy.do@veym.net
Tr. GB Hoàn Thanh Nam - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Inhaxiô; nam.hoang@veym.net
Tr. Đaminh Saviô Hồ Hoàng Hiếu - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Thánh Gia; hieu.h.ho@veym.net
Tr. John the Baptist Trần Nhân Tôn - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Nguồn Sống; ton.tran@veym.net
Tr. Phêrô Nguyễn Minh Duy - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Ra Khơi; duy.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Maria Salazar Vi - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn San Diego; vi.phung@veym.net
Tr. Maria Lê Thanh Châu - Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Sinai; chau.le@veym.net
Tr. Giuse Hà Văn Jimmy – Liên Đoàn Trưởng Liên Đoàn Đức Mẹ Mân Côi; jimmy.v.ha@veym.net
1. Ban Vận Động / News & Promotion Committee
Tr. Anna Maria Võ Trà My & News Team / tramy.vo@veym.net
2. Ban Báo Chí / Convention Booklet Committee
Tr. Maria Trương Ngọc Mai Quỳnh / quingummi2000@gmail.com
Tr. Giuse Cao Đức Thanh / thanh.cao@veym.net
3. Ban Ghi Danh & IT / Registration & IT Committee
Tr. Đaminh Nguyễn Minh Đạo / dao.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Giuse Nguyễn Denny / denny.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Peter Nguyễn Huy Philips / philips.nguyen@veym.net
4. Ban Tiếp Tân / Welcoming Committee
Tr. Đaminh Đào Đức Khánh / khanh.d.dao@veym.net
5. Ban Kỷ Vật / Memorabilia
Tr. FX Vũ Cao Lập / lap.vu@veym.net
6. VEYM Store
Tr. Maria Vô Nhiễm Lê Ngọc Khánh / ngockhanh.le@veym.net
Tr. Lucia Nguyễn Thị Biên / bien.nguyen@veym.net
7. Ban Phụng Vụ / Liturgical Committee
Tr. Elizabeth Phạm Ngọc Chi (lead) / liz.c.pham@veym.net
Tr. Teresa Trần Lưu Thụy Mai (choir) / mai.l.tran@veym.net
8. Ban Trật Tự / Security Committee
Tr. Gioan Baotixita Trần Hiển / Hien.tran@veym.net
9. Ban Ẩm Thực / Foods Services Committee
Tr. Dominico Trần Đức Thịnh / Brodardpm@gmail.com
10. Ban Kỹ Thuật Âm Thanh / Audio-Visual Support Committee
Tr. Giuse Tadeo Trần Khanh / klvdrummer@yahoo.com
11. Ban Kỹ Thuật Trang Trí / Interior-Exterior Design Committee
Tr. Lucia Mai Ngọc Châu / chau.mai@veym.net
12. Ban Phim Ảnh / Photo-Videography Committee
Tr. John the Baptist Johnny Nguyễn / johnny.nguyen96@outlook.com
13. Ban Y Tế / Medical Services Committee
Tr. Anne Nguyễn Thanh Tâm, MD / tt.nguyen@veym.net
14. Ban Đưa Đón & Misc. / Transportation Services & Misc. Committee
Tr. Anton Nguyễn Thái Bình / Antonbinhnguyen85@gmail.com
15. Ban Thể Thao & Trò Chơi / Sports Competition & Creative Sports Committee
Tr. John the Baptist David Hồ / david.ho@veym.net
16. Spirit Crew/Rally
Tr. Theresa Francis Xavier Ngo Thiên Thanh Angelie / angelie.ngo@veym.net
Tr. John the Baptist Bảo Tony / abcdkmsxyz@gmail.com
Tr. Maria Lê Dalena / dalena.le@veym.net
19. Breakout Sessions
Tr. Martin de Porres Nguyễn Steven / steven.nguyen@veym.net
Tr. Giuse Trần Hữu Phát / phat.h.tran@veym.net
20. Ơn gọi / Vocations Booths
Tr. Catherine of Siena Vũ Phương-Loan Christina / christina.p.vu@veym.net
21. Ban Văn Nghệ / Theater Arts & Music Performance Committee
Tr. Theresa Trần Gia Tú Anh Nina / anh.tran@veym.net
Tr. Teresa Nguyễn Hồng Nhung / nhung.nguyen@veym.net
22. Điều Hợp Viên / Agenda Coordinators
23. Opening – Closing Act / Décor / Flower
Tr. Elizabeth Võ Tường Vân – tuongvanv03@gmail.com
24. Cultural Festival Night
Tr. Teresa Ngô Ngọc Hiếu – hieu.ngo@veym.net
25. Children Activities
Tr. Dương Diễm Lệ / duongdiemle@gmail.com
March 17, 2024
Bus Info
Registration opens at 2:00pm EST. Opening Ceremony begins at 4:00pm EST on Friday.
Friday August 9th
* 12:00pm EST
* 1:00pm EST
Friday August 9th
* 1:00pm EST
* 2:00pm EST
Closing Mass and Ceremony end at 12:00pm Monday
Monday, August 12th
* 2:00pm EST
* 3:00pm EST
Please plan to arrive 1 hour prior to scheduled departure time. No other bus shuttle service available.
To register for the bus, please follow the instructions below.
* Go to your Dashboard [https://vdh7.veym.net/dashboard]
* Log in
* If you registered with your Members Portal account, please select the same login method
* If you registered as a Guest, or are registered as someone's guest, log in with your email and confirmation code
* Select your registration
* If you registered guests, you can edit their registrations on their behalf
* Please fill out transportation info for each person registered
* Next to Transportation Info, click Edit
* Fill out your info and click Submit
Deadline to register for bus: April 30, 2024
If you have any issues please email support@veym.net
Bus Info [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/c980dd44-6356-4a1e-a8b9-d255f4dad6c5?width=1080&height=1080]
February 25, 2024
VDH7 Vocation Booth Interest Form
Dear Priests and Religious,
Interested in hosting a vocation booth at the VDH7 convention? We are offering complimentary booth spaces for you to showcase your order to hundreds of VEYM members! Please fill out this form to express interest and to stay in contact for more information.
Sign Up Form: url.veym.net/vdh7vocationbooth [http://url.veym.net/vdh7vocationbooth?fbclid=IwAR0KXfWvp24wZTp9XYjL7mbzUrJKzMk98wXOyG6gm5FVpwXHODwQRIJ9IxM]
For additional questions, please contact BCHTU Uỷ Viên Ơn Gọi, Tr. Christina at christina.p.vu@veym.net.
Thank you for your interest. Many blessings!
13576772 10154429354715992 7319683576809075854 O [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/fdf550f9-fddd-4570-8310-3fac1fcc0b2c?width=1365&height=2048]
February 19, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline Extension!
President's Day Special!
The Early Bird Registration Deadline has been extended to March 2nd, 2024.
Here is your chance, register [https://vdh7.veym.net/register] now!
Early bird extension [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/8dd17104-99d1-46e5-ba42-262d1d2e2890?width=1080&height=1080]
February 13, 2024
Valentine's Day Giveaway
Register for VDH7 any time on February 14, 2024 Eastern Time for a chance to win this rare heart-shaped Holy Family figurine blessed by the Holy Father, Pope Francis!
Result will be announced on Saturday, February 17, 2024, 8pm EST.
Screenshot 2024 02 13 at 22.57.52 [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/b8aabd93-a05b-40c3-bda2-a17b8d9cfe88?width=1025&height=1025]
February 10, 2024
Happy New Year! Registration Giveaway
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới!
Register for VDH7 any time on any of the 3 Lunar New Year Days (2/10, 2/11, and 2/12) for a chance to win one of 3 FREE REGISTRATIONS ($225.00 USD value)
Vd H7 Lunar New Year Promo [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/6fc82207-7342-42a4-aabf-f60bacbeac7e?width=1080&height=1080]
February 05, 2024
VDH7 Townhall Recording
If you missed the Townhall on January 29, you can watch the recording here.
Some topics covered:
* Highlights from VDH6
* Event Venue and Facilities
* Registration Information
* Eligibility and Deadlines
* Registration Demo
* Volunteer Opportunities
January 30, 2024
Request for Volunteers
Greetings esteemed members of the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement:
As we prepare for the upcoming historic VDH7 convention, the success of this important event rests not only on the Organizing Committee, but on each individual member, Chapter and League of Chapters working together to plan, promote, execute and deliver this convention. With your God given talent and time, you're invited to voluntarily serve in one of the many committees available. Please submit by March 1st, 2024. In the spirit of service, all volunteers are responsible for their own registrations and transportation to/from the event.
Thank you for your time and effort. May Christ Jesus, through His Holy Mother, bless you always.
In His Sacred Heart,
Tr. Đaminh Hoàng Công Thái Dương
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
* Ban Ghi Danh / Registration Committee
* Ban Báo Chí & Vận Động / News & Promo Committee
* Ban Phụng Vụ / Liturgical Committee
* Ban Trật Tự / Public Safety Committee
* Ban Ẩm Thực / Food Services Committee
* Ban Vệ Sinh / Public Cleanliness Committee
* Ban Kỹ Thuật Trang Trí / Decoration and Assistance Committee
* Ban Tiếp Tân / Welcoming Committee
* Ơn Gọi / Vocation Booths Support Committee
* Ban Phim Ảnh / Photo-Videography Committee
* Ban Y Tế / Medical Services Committee
* Ban Thi Đua Thể Thao / Sport Competitions Committee
* Breakout Sessions Support Committee
* Ban Văn Nghệ / Theatrical Performance Committee
* Spirit Crew
* VEYM Store Stand
* Musicians
* MCs
https://url.veym.net/VDH7volunteersSIGNUP [https://url.veym.net/VDH7volunteersSIGNUP]
January 29, 2024
Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 6 - HIGHLIGHT VIDEO
Check out the highlights from VDH6 in 2016. Excited for VDH7!
January 16, 2024
Về Đất Hứa 7 Informational Town Hall
Please mark your calendars for our VEYM Coming to the Promise Land VII Town Hall on Monday, January 29th, 2024, at 9PM EST. Please join us for this important informational meeting to learn lots of exciting news regarding this historical event! Kindly help us spread the word. Thank you very much!
* To join on your computer or phone: https://url.veym.net/VDH7TownHall [https://url.veym.net/VDH7TownHall]
* To join via your browser as a guest: Meeting ID: 273 259 729 485 & Passcode: K7fYts
* To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone ID: 769 722 009#
Thumbnail Image (3) [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/52768d3b-2d6a-42f3-a661-71fce573465e?width=624&height=659]
townhall2 [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/bf2ed4eb-847f-46eb-a10c-d696bca6d198?width=1080&height=1080]
November 24, 2023
Registration is Live!
Registration for our highly anticipated Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7 is happening now. More convention info to come. Please share and register now for early bird rates.
Join the Facebook Group for VDH7 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/338657608776002/]
Official Announcement [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/e48f849f-78f0-4541-a436-4b489f9f1336]
Ve at Hua 4 [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/74ec933b-504a-4d21-a2c7-f3481cd9b7e7?width=750&height=1000]
November 01, 2023
Save the Date!
After the cancellation in 2020, VDH is coming back! Save the date: August 9-12, 2024!
savethedate [https://cms.vdh.veym.net/assets/54222b2d-6a2d-48a2-8e26-8e61859b87b5?width=2048&height=2048]